Part II: A “Hard Break” with China is Far-Right Accelerationism
The idea of decoupling from China forsakes democracy. For the far right, that’s the point
Read Part One here.
The original post on this topic:
Established the MAGA right’s consensus in favor of an economic “hard break” with China;
Walked through how decoupling is a loser on its own terms, serving none of the goals that its advocates suggest; and
Made the case that every argument in favor of full decoupling misunderstands capitalism itself.
In this post, I’m focusing more squarely on the far-right accelerationist logic of decoupling.
There are two aspects to this—1) the amplification of militarism and the increased likelihood of war that follows from a “hard break,” and 2) the consolidation of reactionary political power that “hard break” policies facilitate. And, of course, war and far-right power consolidation feed each other.
Let me explain.