Two Terrifying Things About Trump’s Indictment...
It’s all over the news, so I’m not going to dwell on most of the details—Trump and his co-conspirators attempted a no-shit coup in parallel with the far-right insurrection.
A few of the best (but also worrying) reactions to the headlines:
I love “the hot dam historian”’s take here because it was obviously a coup from the jump—and that never had to be mutually exclusive with an insurrection.
@IRHotTakes tends to have good hot takes in general (go figure), but the thing I appreciate here is the analytical clarity: We are almost certainly not headed toward a happy ending, but an indictment for a heinous political crime is a necessary condition to even hope for one. The indictment is democracy’s lottery ticket. Whether we win…
David Austin Walsh actually had two sets of comments on the indictment that were great. One is this one, above, which hints at one of my concerns. The other is this one:
These are some of the better among a graveyard of celebratory bad takes, as well as bad takes by insurrectionist sympathizers like Josh Hawley:
What else do you expect from that fist-pumping Ivy League, astroturf-working class piece of shit?
Two things are worrying about all of this, good news though it is.